Narcotics Enforcement Division
3375 Koapaka Street, Suite D-100
Honolulu, Hawaii 96819
Phone: 837-8470
Fax: 837-8474
E-mail: [email protected]
Website: Narcotics Enforcement Division
The Narcotics Enforcement Division protects and promotes the health and safety of Hawaii by enforcing controlled substance and regulated chemical laws and pursuing the appropriate use of pharmaceuticals. They enforces laws and regulations and investigates criminal activity relating to controlled substances, medical marijuana, and prescription drug diversion. It also provides training on the aforementioned matters to law enforcement partners and healthcare professionals.

K9 Kahu is assigned as NED’s electronic storage device detection dog. K9 Kahu’s main duty is to help with criminal investigations by locating hidden electronic storage devices such as: cellular phones, electronic thumb drives, and memory cards.
Facebook: Kahu Lum Lee & ESD K9 Kahu
Instagram: k9_kahu
• Enforce laws and investigate criminal activity relating to hrs chapter 329 (uniformed controlled substances act)
• Registration and compliance of practitioners and businesses that work with controlled substances and regulated chemicals
• Registration and compliance of medical marijuana dispensaries, laboratories and grow sites
• Manage the Hawaii prescription drug monitoring program (HI-PDMP)
(Formerly electronic prescription accountability system – EPAS)
• Forensic drug analysis services for various law enforcement agencies
• Training for drug clandestine laboratories
• Controlled substance legislation, scheduling and regulations
• Medication drop box disposal program
• Educate healthcare professionals on pharmaceutical diversion and misuse
• Community events and drug prevention education
Information and resources for victims, family and healthcare professionals dealing with the Opioid Crisis and Addiction. More Information about the Hawaii Opioid Initiative.
- Application Instructions – Practitioners
- Application Instructions – APRN
- Application Instructions – Physician Assistant
- Application Form for Practitioners, APRNs and PAs
- Physician’s Assistant – Supervising Physician Addendum Form
- 2025 Prescriber Education Form
- Attestation to Hawaii Law and Requirements Form
- Wet Signature Exemplar Form
- Instructions for Fee Exempt Registration – New and Renewal Requirements Effective 04-01-2022
- Registrant Change of Information Form
- Pre-Inspection Form
- Prescribers & Credentialing Agents – Further Hawaii CSR Requirements
- Online Renewal Application/Payment for Controlled Substances
- Online Initial Application/Payment for Controlled Substances
- Mail-in Application for Controlled Substances for Business Organizations (i.e. pharmacy, LTC, etc.)
- HRS 329 (Title 19: Health HRS 329 Uniform Controlled Substances Act)
- HRS 329 D (Title 19: Health HRS 329D Medical Marijuana Dispensary System)
- HRS 712 (Title 37: Hawaii Penal Code HRS 712 Offenses Against Public Health and Morals) Note: Statutes pertaining to OFFENSES RELATED TO DRUGS AND INTOXICATING COMPOUNDS begin with HRS 712-1240
- Title 23 Chapter 200 Administrative Rule: Regulation of Controlled Substances
- Title 23 Chapter 201 Administrative Rule: Regulated Chemicals for the Manufacture of Controlled Substances
State Acts/Emergency Scheduling 2015
- Act 54 SB2882 SD2 HD2 CS Bill 4-28-14
- 2015 Emergency Scheduling Action 1-7-15
- Act-195-SB1131-Relating to the Uniform Controlled Substances Act -7-2-15
Federal Scheduling Actions 2015
- 2015 Emergency Controlled Substance Scheduling Action – 1-7-2015
- Fed-Scheduling-Action-2-24-15-naloxegol-removed-from-CII
- Federal-Scheduling-Action-Acetyl-Fentanyl-Schedule-I-7-30-15
- Fed-Scheduling-Action-11-12-15-eluxadoline-Schedule-IV-effective-12-14-15
Federal Scheduling Actions 2016
- 2016 Emergency Controlled Substance Scheduling Action – 5-6-2016
- 2016 Emergency Controlled Substance Scheduling Action – 5-18-2016
- Fed-Scheduling-Action-9-30-16-thiafentanil
- Federal-Scheduling-Action-9-30-16-brivaracetam
- 2016 Notice of Emergency Scheduling of Furanyl Fentanyl – 10-07-2016
- Emergency Controlled Substance Scheduling Action – 5F-ADB – 11-15-2016
- Emergency Controlled Substance Scheduling Action – 3,4-dichloro – 11-15-2016
Federal Scheduling Actions 2017
- Federal Scheduling Action substituted cathinones
- Emergency scheduling Cumyl-4-cn binaca
- Federal Scheduling Action dronabinol
Federal Scheduling Actions 2018-2020
- notice of Federal Scheduling Action brexanolone 2020
- notice of emergency Scheduling Action etizolam and flualprazolam
- notice of Federal Scheduling Action new controlled substances October 2021
- notice of Federal Scheduling Action new fentanyls october 12 2020
- notice of Federal Scheduling Action epidiolex August 21 2020
- notice of Federal Scheduling Action norfentanyl April 17 2020
- notice of Federal Scheduling Action solriamfetol january 7 2020
- Act 256 2019/SB536 Prescription requirements related to schedule II drugs
- federal scheduling action of fentanyl analogs August 2019
- Act 190 became law 07-01-2018 (relating to scheduling actions of substituted cathinones,, cumyl-4-cn-binaca and dronabinol) Note: Archives contain previous emergency scheduling actions of these chemicals
- Federal Scheduling Action Epidiolex October 2018
2018 and 2019 NEW & CHANGES TO THE LAW
- Act 95 2019/SB 1263 Amends the Uniform Controlled Substance Act by updating Schedule V and amending requirements for electronic prescriptions, for consistency with federal law.
- Act 230 2019/SB1486 Amends Electronic Prescription Accountability system (HI-PDMP)
- Act 251 2019/HB665 Exceptions to query of Electronic Prescription Accountability System (HI-PDMP)
- Act 256 2019/SB536 Prescription requirements related to schedule II drugs
- Act 95 2019/SB 1263 Addition of FDA approved CBD drugs to Schedule V
- Act 066/Senate Bill 505(2017) Effective 07-01-18. Requirement for policy or and written agreements to engage in an informed consent process between the prescribing provider and qualifying opioid therapy patient. Related Resource: Hawaii Department of Health, Patient Informed Consent Form also the Hawaii Revised Statute (HRS) 329.38-5
- Act 151/House Bill 1602 Effective 08-01-18. Requires the inclusion of a label warning of the risks of addiction and death on the packaging of any opioid drug dispensed by a health care professional or pharmacist.
- Act 153/Senate Bill 2646 Effective 07-01-18 Pertains to practitioner utilization requirements of the PDMP
- Act 190/House Bill 2385 Effective 07-01-18. Relating to scheduling actions of substituted cathinones, cumyl-4-cn-binaca and dronabinol