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State Acts/Emergency Scheduling 2015
- Act 54 SB2882 SD2 HD2 CS Bill 4-28-14
- 2015 Emergency Scheduling Action 1-7-15
- Act-195-SB1131-Relating to the Uniform Controlled Substances Act -7-2-15
Federal Scheduling Actions 2015
- 2015 Emergency Controlled Substance Scheduling Action – 1-7-2015
- Fed-Scheduling-Action-2-24-15-naloxegol-removed-from-CII
- Federal-Scheduling-Action-Acetyl-Fentanyl-Schedule-I-7-30-15
- Fed-Scheduling-Action-11-12-15-eluxadoline-Schedule-IV-effective-12-14-15
Federal Scheduling Actions 2016
- 2016 Emergency Controlled Substance Scheduling Action – 5-6-2016
- 2016 Emergency Controlled Substance Scheduling Action – 5-18-2016
- Fed-Scheduling-Action-9-30-16-thiafentanil
- Federal-Scheduling-Action-9-30-16-brivaracetam
- 2016 Notice of Emergency Scheduling of Furanyl Fentanyl – 10-07-2016
- Emergency Controlled Substance Scheduling Action – 5F-ADB – 11-15-2016
- Emergency Controlled Substance Scheduling Action – 3,4-dichloro – 11-15-2016
Federal Scheduling Actions 2017
- Federal Scheduling Action substituted cathinones
- Emergency scheduling Cumyl-4-cn binaca
- Federal Scheduling Action dronabinol
Federal Scheduling Actions 2018-2020
- notice of Federal Scheduling Action brexanolone 2020
- notice of emergency Scheduling Action etizolam and flualprazolam
- notice of Federal Scheduling Action new controlled substances October 2021
- notice of Federal Scheduling Action new fentanyls october 12 2020
- notice of Federal Scheduling Action epidiolex August 21 2020
- notice of Federal Scheduling Action norfentanyl April 17 2020
- notice of Federal Scheduling Action solriamfetol january 7 2020
- Act 256 2019/SB536 Prescription requirements related to schedule II drugs
- federal scheduling action of fentanyl analogs August 2019
- Act 190 became law 07-01-2018 (relating to scheduling actions of substituted cathinones,, cumyl-4-cn-binaca and dronabinol) Note: Archives contain previous emergency scheduling actions of these chemicals
- Federal Scheduling Action Epidiolex October 2018
2018 and 2019 NEW & CHANGES TO THE LAW
- Act 95 2019/SB 1263 Amends the Uniform Controlled Substance Act by updating Schedule V and amending requirements for electronic prescriptions, for consistency with federal law.
- Act 230 2019/SB1486 Amends Electronic Prescription Accountability system (HI-PDMP)
- Act 251 2019/HB665 Exceptions to query of Electronic Prescription Accountability System (HI-PDMP)
- Act 256 2019/SB536 Prescription requirements related to schedule II drugs
- Act 95 2019/SB 1263 Addition of FDA approved CBD drugs to Schedule V
- Act 066/Senate Bill 505(2017) Effective 07-01-18. Requirement for policy or and written agreements to engage in an informed consent process between the prescribing provider and qualifying opioid therapy patient. Related Resource: Hawaii Department of Health, Patient Informed Consent Form also the Hawaii Revised Statute (HRS) 329.38-5
- Act 151/House Bill 1602 Effective 08-01-18. Requires the inclusion of a label warning of the risks of addiction and death on the packaging of any opioid drug dispensed by a health care professional or pharmacist.
- Act 153/Senate Bill 2646 Effective 07-01-18 Pertains to practitioner utilization requirements of the PDMP
- Act 190/House Bill 2385 Effective 07-01-18. Relating to scheduling actions of substituted cathinones, cumyl-4-cn-binaca and dronabinol