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OHS Misinformation Center

What is MDM?

MDM is short for Misinformation, Disinformation, and Malinformation. MDM exists everywhere but impacts some subjects more, such as information related to your health, politics, or social issues. On certain social media platforms, MDM can spread up to six times faster than factual news.
MDM is one of the most pressing threats to American democracy today. Our office aims to help stem the flow of MDM in Hawai‘i, through education and resource sharing.


Misinformation is false, but not created or shared with the intent to harm.


Disinformation is deliberately created to mislead, harm, or manipulate.


Malinformation is based on fact, but used out of context to harm or manipulate.

The Impacts of Misinformation in Hawai‘i

You might have already heard of MDM through more popular terms like “fake news” or “deepfake”. It’s helpful to understand the difference between mis-, dis-, and malinformation so that you can approach information with a critical eye to help protect and strengthen your community from the harmful impacts of MDM. Below are some examples of MDM that negatively impacted Hawai‘i residents:

TopicExample of Incorrect InformationType
Health“Vaccines have nanobots in them that track you and can trigger a deadly disease with the push of a button!”Dis
Money“Don’t apply for government aid, they’ll take your land if you sign anything!”Dis
Politics“Everyone is getting mail-in ballots. If you don’t get one you can’t vote.”Mal
Weather“Rain is generated by secret sky machines.”Mis
Religion“[X Group] was responsible for the attack.. all members of [X Religion] support the actions and should suffer [Y consequences].”Mal
Technology“I am putting this disclaimer on my social media so all tech companies know they do not have my permission to share my posts. Share and post this on your page unless you want them to steal your photos!”Mis