MGT-318: Public Information in an All-Hazards Incident
May 27 - May 28
Course Description
This course examines the role of public information in all-hazards incident management and provides practical training in crisis communication techniques. In a major incident, it is of critical importance that community leaders, incident managers, and Public Information Officers (PIO) are prepared to communicate with the public through traditional and social media. This course focuses on the role of public information in all-hazards incident management; the information needs of the press and public in a crisis; and strategies for planning, conducting, and managing the public information effort during a crisis event.
Course Objectives
1. Participants will be able to design a Joint Information Center (JIC) utilizing National Incident Management System (NIMS) guidance.
2. Participants will be able to explain the need to establish relationships with the public and the methods to effectively communicate with them.
3. Participants will be able to investigate the role social media plays in disseminating information and the potential it holds for facilitating disaster preparedness, response, and recovery efforts.
4. Participants will be able to communicate effective public information and warning messages.
5. Participants will be able to create public information messages for different phases of the crisis communication life cycle in accordance with the Crisis Communications Plan (CCP).
Mission Areas
- Prevent
- Protect
- Respond
- Recover
- Common
- Emergency Management
- Emergency Medical Services
- Fire Service
- Governmental Administrative
- Law Enforcement
- Health Care
- Public Health
- Public Safety Communications
- Public Works
- Agriculture
- Animal Emergency Services
- Citizen/Community Volunteer
- Information Technology
- Security and Safety
- Search & Rescue
- Transportation
- Other
- Education